October 20, 2024 - 22nd Sunday After Pentecost

Worship and Children’s Sunday School 10:00am

You are invited to share in our table fellowship - gather with us around bread and wine/grape juice that you place on your table at home. As we are united by the Spirit of God who transcends all space and time, we are fed and nourished by Christ’s gift of himself that fills us with holy love, divine peace, and new life.

Services in Person and via Facebook Live & Streaming on our website.

Discovering Our Call in Community

All are welcome in this place!  We are dedicated to these words as we believe our lives and faith are strengthened by diversity.  For over 50 years, we have been a congregation centered in God’s unconditional grace through Jesus Christ.  Our tradition is one of ongoing renewal and reform through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Are you searching for a safe community to explore your faith?  We are a people of all ages and sizes, colors and cultures, abilities and gifts, physical and mental challenges, believers and questioners.  We believe that “in Christ, all are one.” (Gal. 3:28) We are committed to pursuing justice for all and reject discrimination and racism in any form.  We are a people who represent and welcome all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Here, we live beyond labels to worship, celebrate, grieve, rejoice, renew, and discover our God-given call to serve others.

We invite you to join us as we journey together!


Early Image of the land for current Chantilly Campus
Photo by Jim Nelson


Dulles South


What I found was a community passionately dedicated to caring for those in need...

“I first joined King of Kings because I was looking for a church where I could participate in a variety of activities during the week in addition to traditional Sunday worship. What I found was a community passionately dedicated to caring for those in need — church members, community neighbors and global citizens. From the grace and peace I experience during worship, to the love and support extended to me during a time of loss, to the fellowship I enjoy while participating in a wide variety of service projects, this community has been an incredible gift. Being able to share the gift of music and participate in various bible study opportunities are a few of the aspects of Kings of Kings that have fueled my faith journey.”

Kelly Thomas

We Are…

King of Kings Lutheran Church