Jesus Frees Us
Above all else, we believe in the good news of Jesus Christ as God and Savior. We believe that He died for us and rose again. We believe that His precious gift of salvation frees us to live our lives in joy and confidence. This gift is for everyone—through grace by faith.
The symbolism of the Luther rose goes back to the 1520s. Luther explained that the red heart with the black cross at the center should remind us that the righteous live by faith in Christ the Crucified. The heart rests on a white rose to show that faith gives joy, comfort and peace. The rose is white, not red, because white is the color of heavenly spirits and angels. The white rose stands in a field of blue, the color of heaven, to show that joy in the spirit and in faith in this life is only the beginning of future heavenly joy. Surrounding the sky-blue field is a gold ring to show that happiness and joy in heaven has no end but lasts forever, just as gold is the highest, most noble and precious metal.
The Lutheran Teachings…
Our beliefs are rooted in the teachings of Martin Luther and emphasize key theological principles derived from Scripture. Here’s a concise summary of the central tenets of Lutheranism:
1. Justification by Faith Alone: Salvation is achieved solely through faith in Jesus Christ, rather than by human works or merits.
2. Authority of Scripture: The Bible is the only authoritative source for Christian faith and practice (Sola Scriptura), revealing God’s will for salvation.
3. Sacraments: Lutherans recognize two sacraments—Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Communion)—as means of grace that convey God’s forgiveness and presence.
4. Priesthood of All Believers: All Christians have direct access to God and are called to serve in ministry, regardless of specific ordination.
5. Law and Gospel: The distinction between God's commands (Law) and His promise of grace (Gospel) is crucial, with the Law revealing our sinfulness and the Gospel offering redemption.
6. Grace Alone: Salvation is a gift from God (Sola Gratia) that cannot be earned, emphasizing reliance on God’s grace through faith.
7. Creeds and Confessions: Lutherans affirm historical Christian creeds, such as the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed, along with the Lutheran Confessions found in the Book of Concord.
8. Triune God: Lutherans believe in one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with a focus on the redemptive work of Christ.
9. Worship and Community: Lutheran worship centers on the Word and Sacraments, highlighting the importance of community and fellowship among believers.
These beliefs guide Lutherans in their faith and practice, emphasizing grace, service, and the importance of a personal relationship with God.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
is a church that believes God is calling us into the world together. As part of this call, we are committed to addressing social and cultural issues and injustices while we work to provide moral vision, promote the common good, and spread the good news of Jesus.
The ELCA participates in God’s loving purpose for all of creation in many different ways, from the daily actions of members as citizens, to efforts in social service, to public witness for justice.
Hear from Our Members
Hear from some of our members about their faith journey: their background, what led them to King of Kings Lutheran Church, and how they continue to grow and serve in our community.