Our mission calls us to serve others in the church…

A church is more than just the building or the pastor. It is the people who worship and participate in the life and activities of the church.

Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Lamp

Sign up to reserve your Sunday – Altar Flowers are $35.00 and the Sanctuary Lamp is $6.00 per week. Sign up sheets are located on the Bulletin Board in the narthex to the right as you exit the Sanctuary or contact Fran in the church office at extension 221 or via email.

Assisting with Worship

If you’re interested in serving as the Assisting Minister on Sunday mornings during worship, please contact Fran in the church office at extension 221 or via email.

Youth & Family Leaders

King of Kings has a rich tradition with their Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) & family ministries, which cannot happen without volunteers! If you have a heart for family & youth ministry please reach out to Director Alyssa via email.
Please note any youth volunteer must undergo a background check & sign off on our Child Protection Policy.

Music Ministry

We are always looking for folks who have a passion for music; whether through singing or playing a musical instrument! We have a lively choir, bell choir, and offer special music offerings most weeks. Contact Director Beth for information on how to be a part of our beloved music ministry.


King of Kings Praise Band | Spring 2021