In the Community — King of Kings

Our mission calls us to serve others in the community…

We believe we are called to serve in our community. From our preschool, through offering Vacation Bible School for all children, to helping our homeless neighbors, the elderly and the hungry, we strive to make our community a better place for all.

For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact the church office.

Hypothermia Shelter

King of Kings partners with FACETS each winter to provide a week of meals and shelter for our homeless neighbors during the coldest part of the year.

We seek volunteers to assist in person and to provide dinner each evening during this week.

Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center

King of Kings has a long history of partnering in ministry with Caroline Furnace. Early each spring, attendees of our men’s retreat engage in fellowship and repairs around the camp.

Through this partnership we have helped ensure that the camp reaches next summer, and the next, so campers and counselors may return once again to sing by a campfire, run through the fields, swim in the lake, look up at the stars, and build community together - for decades to come. To find out more about this wonderful camp please visit:

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together is an organization that focuses on neighbors helping neighbors: repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.

In April 2023, we helped repair the home of a Centreville veteran.


Alcoholics Anonymous

We currently host in person a Monday night Women’s Meeting and a Friday night Open Meeting.

Fairfax County Resources:


Fairfax County has created a webpage that includes updated information and community resources at

You can also view the emergency blog, and stay in touch using the County’s social media platforms and through text messaging.

To Receive Updates Basic Needs: If you have congregants in Fairfax County who are in need of support please have them call Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) 703-222-0880 (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays). Residents can also visit the Human Services Resource Guide (HSRG), an online, searchable guide to available health and human services resources in Fairfax County.

Community Food Locations: The county has developed a searchable map that includes all food distribution sites, including Fairfax County Public Schools, community meal distribution sites, food pantries and other related services. The map can be accessed here To view the growing list of FCPS meal sites, please click here

Safe at Home: For some people, staying home doesn’t always feel safe because someone there may threaten or hurt you. If this is you, know that you can call the Fairfax County Domestic and Sexual Violence hotline for help 24 hours a day at 703- 360-7273. If it is not safe to talk, text or chat (text LOVEIS to 22522 for the national domestic violence hotline, chat at for the national sexual violence hotline). If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.For additional information visit Safe at Home.

Child Abuse Prevention: In the midst of this outbreak of COVID-19, many families find themselves facing many of the risk factors for child abuse and neglect. If you have questions or concerns about a child’s safety, call the Child Protective Services’ 24-hour hotline at703-324-7400. Fairfax County's CPS hotline workers can also provide families with help, guidance, and referrals to supportive services. For additional information visit Department of Family Services - Children and Families.

Adult Protective Services: To report Abuse, Exploitation, or Neglect of an adult who is 60 years or older or is 18 years and older and incapacitated. Reports can be filed for people who live alone or with relatives or who are residents in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, or group homes. The Adult Protective Hotline: 703-324-7450. For more information on Adult Services please visit Fairfax County Services for Older Adults.